Empowerment Wardrobe – discuss beauty, confidence and sustainability

Wann fühlst du dich schön und welchen Einfluss hat dein Gefühl von Schönheit auf dein Selbstbewusstsein? Wie kannst du dich durch Mode ausleben, ohne auf das Äussere reduziert zu werden? Und geht das alles auch nachhaltig? Diskutiere deine Fragen zu nachhaltiger Mode mit uns und probiere Kleidung an, die dich stark macht. Brukt Butikk ist ein Second Hand Laden für Damenklamotten in vielen verschiedenen Grössen und Stilen. Hier kannst du in einer liebevollen Atmosphäre experimentieren und deine persönliche Schönheit feiern.

Coffee Lecture with Prof. Daniela Rupp

We are incredibly excited to welcome Prof. Daniela Rupp as the speaker at our next coffee lecture on the 11th of May at 13:45. The lecture is entitled ‘Why sexism is still present in science today and what we can do about it’. Everyone is welcome to join and hear her story and of course join our Apero with coffee and pizza.

For those who did not manage to come, or would like to have a second look at the slides from the coffee lecture, you can have a look here.

Coffee Lecture with prof. Fadoua Balabdaoui

We are very happy to invite prof. Balabdaoui to our next coffee lecture on Tuesday, the 4th of April, where she will talk about her views and experiences regarding equality of chances. Everyone is very welcome to come, the lecture will take place in LFO C13(only two minutes away from HG) and we will offer free pizza and coffee afterwards. We hope to see a lot of you there!

Sexual Harassment Awareness Day

The 23rd March is Sexual Harassment Awareness Day. In collaboration with SpeakUp ETH, Phi:male will be taking a stand against sexual harassment by displaying a pin-board in the main hall of HG to raise awareness about sexual harassment. We will post some facts and figures and everyone who wants can contribute by adding their own story in an anonymous way.

The board will be there the whole day, together with a box where you can add your own stories. Every half hour, someone from our team will check on the board and hang the new testimonials, so that everyone who prefers can remain anonymous.

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